A Tale of Love trailer is the third-most viewed in the history of YouTube. Kama Sutra trailer has been watched 91 million times on YouTube. According to the ScreenCrush report, Avengers: Infinity War has garnered the top spot in the list, by getting 202 million views, followed by Star Wars: The Force Awakens (101 million views).
At the fourth place is Fifty Shades of Grey with (89 million views), followed by Jurrasic World (86 million), Suicide Squad (85 million), InCredibles 2 at the seventh place with (84 million) views). Avengers: Infinity War, Trailer 2 is at the eight spot with (83 million) views, followed by Avengers: Age of Ultron (83 million) views and at the tenth spot is Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Teaser) is 81 million views.
Also Read: A Kama Sutra, famed sex-guide illustrated by a woman
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According to the information provided in the list, Kama Sutra is the cheapest film (by far) on this list. The budget of the film is approximately 1/100 of Avengers: Infinity War, which was made for more than $300 million. The 2016 film directed by Mira Nair was reportedly banned in India and Pakistan owing to its explicit and erotic content.