Apophis will fall to the earth; In 2029, the world will witness a terrifying sight…

Astronomers predict that the asteroid Apophis will hit Earth in a matter of decades. The asteroid Apophis, 300 meters in size, was found to have increased exponentially.

The asteroid is expected to pass close to Earth on April 13, 2029. Scientists say it can be seen with the naked eye. It will travel near our moons. The data was collected by Japan’s Subaru Telescope. The speed of the Apophis asteroid increased due to the Yarkovsky phenomenon. This is a phenomenon in which the asteroid’s heat dissipates rapidly over objects orbiting in space, causing the asteroid to accelerate. It can also cause changes in the orbits of extraterrestrial objects.

The orbit of the asteroid Apophis is difficult to predict due to the Yarkovsky phenomenon. For this reason, it is not possible to predict whether it will fall to the ground or not. The prediction that it will pass through the distance that can be seen with the naked eye also indicates that the Earth could be in danger if it changes direction. It was suspected to have hit Earth in 2068 but was ruled out by scientists. However, with the discovery of the Yorkowski effect on the asteroid Apophis, researchers predict that it could collapse in 2068.
