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Ukrainian forces receive $200,000 worth of abandoned US guns

A Florida weapons manufacturing facility is donating to Ukraine an abandoned order of rifles that is worth $200,000 in total. Its parent company Keltec, which is based in Cocoa, Florida, received an order for 400 9mm carbine rifles for an Odesa, Ukraine, client. After the bureaucratic process of sending the weapons had been completed, the gun manufacturer could finalize the order, but Odesa was already under siege. The client was also unable to get in touch.

This prompted the company to send weapons to the Ukrainian military. Director of Industrial Production Adrian Kellgren told reporters Friday, ‘This is just what they need so they can do what they were created to do – defend their country and state.’

On Friday, the company posted on Facebook that it did not intend to announce the donation. Media outlets picked up the story through its filing with the Justice Department to be registered as foreign agents to deliver the shipment to Ukraine’s army. Initially, the weapons are going to be shipped to an unnamed NATO country before being shipped to Ukraine. These weapons may prove useful to the Ukrainian armed forces in their fight against invading Russian forces.




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