A survey conducted a group of researchers found out the common mistakes that men and women hate in bedroom. The survey was conducted among 2000 people.
Most of the men had replied that the greatest mistake women make is failing to initiate sex. More than 64% of men who participated in the survey wished their partner got things started more often. Men also hate it when women want to have sex in the dark and the third thing that men hate is women faking an orgasm.
Also Read: Women want men to know these sex secrets
But for women, the biggest thing that they hate is men skipping foreplay and rushing straight into sex. The second thing that women hate is clumsy and crude dirty talk of men after the orgasm.
Men’s 10 biggest sex mistakes, according to women:
1. Skipping on foreplay and rushing straight into full sex
2. Having an orgasm first
3. Being clumsy
4. Talking dirty in a crude way
5. Lack of communication/intimacy after sex
6. Fall asleep as soon as they have finished
7. Commenting on women’s body shape
8. Assume you know what she wants
9. Rigidly stick to your plan and ignoring her body language
10. Keep it completely physical with no emotional connection
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