MoRTH intends to expand the 1033 helpline to all highways

The ministry of road transport and highways (MoRTH) has proposed expanding its nationwide helpline number 1033 to all national highways in order to provide timely medical assistance to road accident victims. Currently, service is only available on tolled roads. The plan is for ambulances, cranes, and rescue or patrol vehicles to arrive at the accident site within 30 minutes. The plan is to deploy patrol cars and cranes outfitted with petrol cutters, hydraulic rescue tools such as a hydraulic towing arm and road clearing equipment manned by trained personnel. The ministry also wishes to standardise the specifications for ambulances, rescue cranes, and surveillance vehicles in order to eliminate ambiguity and ensure uniformity in their function.

The ministry stated in a note circulated among senior officials, the Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE), and the Indian Roads Congress (IRC) seeking their feedback on the proposals that this will be done on a priority basis by establishing monitoring units staffed by skilled manpower. According to the note, the service may be initially extended to all national highways, with a focus on high-traffic corridors and states with difficult terrain.The initial response time of maximum 30 minutes for ambulances and cranes to arrive at the site may be maintained, which may be further reduced by integrating the 1033 helpline with state helplines—108 and 112, according to officials.
