Every parent around the globe wants their children to achieve and acquire the supreme and to turn into successful individuals. Psychology research has pointed to a handful of factors for raising successful children. While most of it depends on the parents, here are few common factors that parents of successful kids share:
1. Share healthy relationships with each other:
Children in nonconflictual single-parent families fare better than children in conflictual two-parent families, according to some studies. The conflict between parents prior to divorce also affects children negatively, while post-divorce conflict has a strong influence on children’s adjustment.
Another study found that 20-somethings who experienced divorce of their parents as children still report pain and distress over their parent’s divorce 10 years later. Young people who reported high conflict between their parents were far more likely to have feelings of loss and regret.
2.Possess higher socio-economic status:
The achievement gap between high- and low-income families is roughly 30% to 40% larger among children born in 2001 than among those born 25 years earlier, according to Stanford University researcher Sean Reardon. The higher the income for the parents, the higher the SAT scores for the kids.
3.Achieve higher levels of education:
According to a study conducted in 2014 by psychologist Sandra Tang,mothers who finished high school or college were more likely to raise kids that did the same.
Parents’ educational level when the child was 8 years old significantly predicted educational and occupational success for the child 40 years later.
4. Possess high expectations:
Based on a data from a national survey of 6,600 children born in 2001, University of California at Los Angeles professor Neal Halfon and his colleagues discovered that the expectations parents hold for their kids have a huge effect on attainment.
5. They experience less stress:
The number of hours that moms spend with kids between ages 3 and 11 does little to predict the child’s behavior, well-being, or achievement.
Mothers’ stress, especially when mothers are stressed because of the juggling with work and trying to find time with kids, that may actually be affecting their kids poorly, said study co-author and Bowling Green State University sociologist Kei Nomaguchi.
6.Value effort over avoiding failure:
A ‘fixed mindset’ assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens that we can’t change in any meaningful way, and success is the affirmation of that inherent intelligence. A ‘growth mindset’,on the other hand, thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of un-intelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.
If kids are told that they aced a test because of their innate intelligence, that creates a ‘fixed’ mindset. If they succeeded because of effort, that teaches a ‘growth’ mindset.
7.Parenting styles:’Authoritative’ rather than ‘authoritarian/ ‘permissive’:
When permissive,the parent tries to be nonpunitive and accepting of the child, whereas being authoritarian, the parent tries to shape and control the child based on a set standard of conduct.
The parent tries to direct the child rationally while adopting authoritative parenting style.
8. Teach kids social skills:
Socially competent children who could cooperate with their peers without prompting, be helpful to others, understand their feelings, and resolve problems on their own, were far more likely to earn a college degree and have a full-time job by age 25 than those with limited social skills, according to a 20-year study.
Developing social and emotional skills helps to prepare them for a healthy future.
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