A village in the Uttar Pradesh have prohibited women from using mobile phones outside their homes the elders’ council or that panchayat of a predominantly Muslim village, Madora, have set the fine as large as 21,000 rupees (around $330) on those who break the ruling. The rule is meant to prevent women from who run away or even interacting with men. The local police have described the order, declared on Tuesday, as being “against the constitution.”
India has a record of enforcing restricting measures on women. In December 2016, Mumbai College forbid its female students to wear jeans.
The former village headman, Mohammed Ghaffar, who came up with the order, claims the mobile phones encourage women to run away.
“Every week, there is a story about young boys running away with girls. In some cases, the elopement leads to violence. So an informal meeting of villagers decided that girls should use mobile phones only within the boundaries of their homes,” Ghaffar, told
Although the decision carried out by the village elders are not legally binding.
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