A team of technicians across Gujarat started inserting chips in the ears of cows. Thousands of cows are being mapped and will soon have unique IDs.
A month ago, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state also passed a law for a life term for anyone killing cows.
For the digital tracking of cows, a Radio Frequency Identification Device is being used.
The state government says the project is aimed not just at monitoring the health of cows and their productivity and but also at tracking the illegal sale or theft of the animal.
Almost 37,000 cows will be given a unique identity number in the first phase in Gujarat, which has over six million cattle.
The state “Gauseva and Gauchar Vikas Board” has set up a central server system at its headquarters in Gandhinagar to collate all the data.
The first phase of the project will cost the state government about Rs. 2.8 crores. There is also a plan for a GPRS system to track the movement of cows outside the shelters.
“The data collated from shelters will then be transferred to the central database, ” said Vallabh Kathiriya, chairman of the cow board.
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