Fitting everything into your schedule today isn’t going to be easy. You may want to go entirely your own way, but remember to avoid head-to-head confrontations with anyone in authority. Are you tempted to spend on an exclusive and luxurious item? Can you afford it? Your sweetheart makes you feel appreciated and adored.
This is one of the nicest days of the month, with social activity and some very enjoyable encounters with special people. It’s perfect for any sort of party or get-together, and there’s no doubt that you’ll be one of the stars of the show. If you’ve been wondering whether to take a modest gamble, it could pay off surprisingly well now. Good luck!
It’s the little things that will serve you best today. If you get the details right, everything will fall into place. You need to pay attention to your health at the moment: yes, I know, you’re so busy, but these niggly problems can easily spiral out of control. Exercise, a good meal or two and a mental check as to how you’re doing are a little bit of advice. Communications with co-workers are important and pass on the information and ideas that you have to others.
There’ll be a few startling ideas and communications floating around as Mercury the messenger crosses the path of revolutionary Uranus. The trick will be to work out which ones are actually worth listening to. Take care while driving today. Make sure your arrangements are flexible as they may need to be changed at the last minute or on the run. Siblings or neighbours may be moody.
The focus turns to ways that can help improve your financial situation and a meeting with a witty and talkative individual proves to be taxing yet entertaining. New monetary prospects are making their way towards you. You may want to take a break and recharge your batteries to take advantage as these prospects mature. It’s easy to impress your lover today with your newfound style
The price of living or doing things a certain way makes itself known. There are bills to be paid and if you’ve overdone it, now’s the time to cut your coat according to the cloth you have. Changes with associates, particularly where finances are concerned are very likely. Expect a change in your lifestyle as well.
You’re drawn to the unusual today, especially if you see it in a shop or on an internet site. You’re in the mood to splash out on impulse buys and items that you wouldn’t normally want, and it will be very hard to stop yourself handing over your cash. Some of these purchases could turn out to be great fun or highly innovative, but they may also be rather expensive.
You have the freedom to indulge your own thoughts and beliefs today, so go for it. Unexpected visitors from overseas are in the stars: is this good or bad? If you have the opportunity to spend time outdoors, you can experience the healing gifts of nature.
Any disagreements that happened yesterday should now be forgotten. Concentrate your attention on simply enjoying the moment. Unfortunately, a few jobs just can’t be ignored, but once everything is out of the way, you can take some time out to relax and enjoy your creative hobbies. If you are celebrating tonight, look forward to a gorgeous time
The key to happy partnerships is to do your utmost to meet others halfway. Be kind, considerate and ready to compromise when you think it’s necessary, and see the difference it makes to your relationships. So instead of being all geared up to stand your ground come what may make an effort to understand the other person’s point of view
The early part of the day is quite creative, though things get a bit tense as the hours roll on. The best bet would be to get an early night. If you are tempted to gamble, control the urge and don’t take any risks.
You might feel tired and dreamy for the time being. It’s so frustrating! Every time you want to make a move, uncertainty clouds your mind. Oh well, just leave important decisions for another day. Go out in the evening with friends, as it will do you a world of good.
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