Today’s focus places material goals and gains foremost in your mind. Inspired ideas on your part can get you started in the right direction and you’ll have the energy to begin work on a creative project. Interactions of all kinds: romantic, social, business, or friendship, or even fleeting encounters with strangers, can put you in touch with the values and mores of your own generation, rather than what is currently fashionable.
You may feel dissatisfied with the way some projects are moving, and feel the need to introduce changes to speed things up. Avoid undue haste, and resist any temptation to change the pattern in a hurry. Handle professional matters thoroughly and with care. Be extra careful regarding financial matters.
Romance is in the spotlight. Learn to express love in a positive way, if you long to be loved! Intuitive flashes can show you the best way forward in life, so take stock of your situation and goals. This is a perfect day to consolidate your situation.
Words of love can be turned into action today, as the blocks that have been affecting you fall away one by one. The emotional power to reshape and remake your life is potent today, but do not let yourself be fooled by appearances, as what is honey to thy mouth may turn to acid in thy tummy.
Big words equal a big head today. At least this is how you might come across to anyone who you talk to. If you have something valuable to say, please remember that the person on the receiving end also has a bright mind.
You have felt unable to move forward in your love life recently. The ‘sticking’ potential has evaded you, but now you have the energy to make it stick. However, you should have the will.
You have a lucky and happy day today – particularly in matters of the heart. The faith you have in your romance is restored and you and your mate will be ardent in your passion.
There will be a magnificent event today in your family life. You will shine as the benevolent leader in your clan Family thinks the best of you.
There’s an enormous amount of energy for you to fight for what you believe in now however, you might tend to have difficulty focusing it in one place. It will be a toss up between family obligations and spiritual beliefs.
It’s a time when there could be more aggravation around family related matters than usual. Try to channel this into a home renovation project so things don’t get too chaotic.
Today stars make you painfully aware of your personal limitations. You’ll feel this most in your values clashing with your ability to express yourself freely.
Be aware of the potential for you to be argumentative and even bombastic today. It might be best to avoid talking to siblings today since the potential for confrontation is especially strong.
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