Travel will be just the thing today. Other cultures and philosophies are favoured, even if it’s just a foreign movie or different cuisine. Get away if you can, or you’ll have to put up with endless annoyances from crusty neighbours and other pests in your neighbourhood. You are entering a very lucky period, so decide to enjoy it.
Romantic and creative upsets are likely. If you go out tonight, keep alcoholic drinks to a minimum. You don’t want to become overly emotional at the wrong time, so keep yourself in check. The potential for passion and excitement is strong, but remember that there is often a fine line or no line at all between feelings of love and hate.
Today may be time to consider home improvements. Whether these improvements are of the literal or spiritual kind, it’s important to remove decay and provide a sturdy foundation for your home and the ones you share it with. Listen to what your family has to say and work together to make your home a haven.
Try to improve your communication skills in the workplace. Affairs of the heart are a bit wobbly at the moment and tensions at home may prevent you from speaking your mind. If you suffer from a chronic health problem, the present astral influences may aggravate this state. Watch the sugar levels in the food and drink that you consume – too much can cause mood swings which you can do without.
Sweet words may comfort you today, whether you hear them in a dream or are wide awake. It may be that you have a chance to comfort someone in turmoil with your own soothing words. This is a good day to catch up with siblings and neighbours, so make time for tea this afternoon.
You may feel like you are being pulled apart in a tug of war between your family’s needs and your boss’s demands. If you have to leave early for work to take care of a family matter, your boss may not appreciate it. Of course, what really matters in life is your family and the love that you have, but like most mortals, you have to earn the moon to put food on the table. Try to be diplomatic.
It’s time to pay attention to what you eat and how you prepare it. Make sure the environment in which you have your meals is peaceful and can aid digestion. If you detest exercise and sweat, consider investing in a good pair of walking shoes and going for regular strolls. You may enjoy your walks so much you’ll forget it’s good for you!
Avoid doing business with friends or lending them money, as you may find yourself in a situation which is hard to assess. Changing your management pattern helps make things more comfortable.
Stars give you a sense of abundance today. Why not share your good fortune with others? The good we do really does come back to us many times over again. Lend a hand to those in need simply because it feels right. Do not take on risky investments, however, because if it seems to good to be true, it almost certainly is.
You may not be privy to every little thing that’s going on around you, but so what? One can’t always be in control, but you don’t need to feel insecure, either. Thanks to your electronic devices, you appear to be a little godlike to those who don’t have the same access as you do at the moment.
Work and pleasure eye each other suspiciously from opposite ends, Shopping for loved ones is a possibility and you should share future dreams with your heartthrob.
You feel the urge to move onward, powered by your wisdom: when you’re right, you’re right. You may feel that any further explanation is unnecessary, but the people you’re dealing with might need it spelt out for them. Take the time to draw a picture or use smaller vocabulary words to get your point across. A public demonstration will probably prove to be the last word on the subject.
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