If a person is unable to fast, he/she has to either make up the missed fast or pay fidyah(expiation).
Usually, a non-terminally ill person and women during menstruation or post-natal bleeding can make-up missed fast.
If a person is terminally ill, or he is old, can pay fidyah, which is half of wheat (saa’)for every day missed, they don’t have to make up their fast.
It’s not obligatory for them.
Breastfeeding and pregnant woman miss the fast can make up instead of paying fidyah. Breastfeeding women can either makes up her fast or pays fidyah for every single day she missed fast. Pregnant women only need to make up the fast for the days she missed fasting during the month of Ramadan.
One saa’ comprises four mudds, and one mudd is two normal handfuls. A saa’ is calculated (in volume) at approximately 2.75 litres and in the UAE currency Dh10. As for its weight, it varies from type to type and is therefore not a single definitive weight.
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