Cost for performing Haj rituals for the coming season of 1438/2017 have seen a drop of more than 50 per cent compared to the previous year’s package.
Dr Mohammed Matar Al Kaabi, Awqaf’s chairman, said some Haj operators introduced packages of as low cost as Dh9,200, citing the launch of the Haj electronic system by Awqaf as the reason for such drops.
The statements came during the 18th meeting of the Federal National Council that was held on Tuesday, June 6.
In response to a question by member Marwan bin Ghleita about the mechanism followed by Awqaf in granting Haj permits for the season 1438 AH/ 2017 AD, Al Kaabi said, “UAE’s quota of pilgrims for the current season which was defined by the Saudi authorities is 6,228 permits for citizens. Awqaf gave priority for the first time applicants who did not perform the Hajj rituals previously.”
Dr Al Kaabi explained that the electronic registration system is operated in 82 centres across the country. Applications are approved through the system in accordance with the set out criteria. Applicants can also use the system to choose their preferred Haj operators and sign contracts that are being verified and approved by the Awqaf, he added.
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