Find out what astrology has to tell you Today. Horoscope is the best way to know what your stars foretell about your happenings in life.
Aries: It’s a chatty day when neighbours or siblings might get on the blower, or even drop in for a coffee.
Taurus: Once you have overcome the blocks that have been strewn in your path, you can put your thinking cap on.
Gemini: The day begins on a high, but takes a big dip when power struggles, jealousy and the urge for revenge rear their ugly heads.
Cancer: If you’ve been working towards a major career project, now you will see the fruits of your labour.
Leo: Don’t be too worried if your relatives seem to be unsupportive of your goals today. It seems as if there’s something about your goals that they just don’t understand but it doesn’t mean you should stop pursuing them.
Virgo: You have an almost obsessive need to ram your opinions down the throats of family members today. Recognise that your beliefs are valued but they are yours.
Libra: Control your anger, for it can be formidably destructive. Brilliantly transformed obstacles will lead to positive advantages at work and in public life. Check your mail.
Scorpio: Your family might be amazed at the ideas you’ve got coming out of nowhere today.
You’ll surely come up with an innovative solution for some long term problem.
Sagittarius: Avoid anything likely to put you off your game and keep clear of risky enterprises, and don’t be too sensitive to criticism
Capricorn: Brightening up your workplace and smoothing any wrinkles in your routines will also pay dividends in the long run.
Aquarius: You can make progress in the work environment through serious collaboration and sharing your ideas.
Pisces: It’s busy today, you can achieve much at work, so long as you take it easy and don’t overreact to the emotional nonsense they throw.
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