While WhatsApp users all over the world are excited about the voice calling feature, the telecom operators in UAE seem to have a negative outlook towards this.
The security situation in the Arab world is not conducive for enabling end-to-end encrypted calling features on instant messaging services like WhatsApp, Dr. Saeed Al Dhaheri, Chairman of SmartWorld, a digital service provider and a joint initiative between Etisalat and Dubai South.
“As a customer, I will definitely stand to benefit if WhatsApp calling is enabled. But when you consider the national security and current situation in some Arab countries, I would not recommend it,” Dhaheri told.
“In the region, security is a pressing concern. If we open up encrypted calling services, that will allow terrorists and other extremists groups to communicate securely without being tracked by security agencies. Personally, I doubt we are ready for de-regulating the telecommunications industry.”he added.
He said even if providers like Du and Etisalat would benefit because of the increased use of data bandwidth, national security cannot be compromised.
Toeing the same line, Mohammed Mustafa Saidalavi, COO of Emirates Safer Internet Society said he would love to see a free quality tool where people can make free calls but “not at the cost of safety and security.”
“As a security and online child protection expert, I have concerns about enabling free WhatsApp calls that are encrypted. I will not endorse any tools that will allow criminals and anti-social elements to use encrypted calls and messages,” said Saidalavi.
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