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Man kills pregnant wife for not making round chapati

A 22-year-old pregnant woman was murdered by her husband as she couldn’t make him perfectly round chappatis.

The victim’s brother called up the police and told them that his sister was lying unconscious in her flat while her four-year-old daughter was locked up in a room on the day of the incident.

The woman, Simran, was taken to a hospital where she was declared brought dead. She was four months pregnant. The husband was nowhere to be found.

The daughter told police that her parents would often quarrel because of her mother’s chapattis. “My mother was a good cook but the chapati shape angered my father,” she said.

While fighting over the shape of Chapati Simran’s husband kicked her in the stomach. The daughter tried to save her mother but her father dragged her to another room and locked her up. Later, he strangled his wife.


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