An online promotions firm has been slammed by residents on social media for sending out messages that Filipinos aren’t allowed to apply for a job through them.
Miha Hilal tagged one of her Filipino friends on a make-up artist job posting published on Facebook by the group ‘Damon Part Time and Full Time Jobs’. However, her tag was removed by the page admin and she was sent a private message saying “this job is not for Filipinos and they are not welcome here. You are banned for tagging a Filipino”.
Hilal, a Dubai expat from Oman, was shocked to see the message and was blocked from viewing their Facebook page or sending them further messages on July 27.
“There have been several companies in the UAE that use the phrases ‘only Arab speaking, only English speaking’ which is understandable – but there are certain companies that take it a step further and shamelessly advertise ‘only blonde, beautiful or skinny applicants’, which is disgusting,” Hilal said.
“Filipinos make up for approximately 20 per cent of Dubai’s population, and if a person is qualified to participate in something they should be able to. If the company is not interested, they should ignore the applicant and simply move along. However, no company has the right to send direct messages to people using harsh words and not allowing a conversation by blocking and deleting everyone who is associated with a Filipino.
“Dubai is extremely small and word goes around fast about companies and organisations that still think in such a discriminative way.”
She posted a screenshot of the message on her own Facebook account and residents reacted with anger. Ajla Al Harmally reacted to the post, saying: “Seriously, this really bothered me. I don’t think anyone deserves to work for people like this. Thank you for sharing and showing people how these people really are.”
Jacqueline said: “That is absolutely disgusting. The post does not specify nationality, I would have tagged my dear friend Grace, who is Filipino. I do not see what difference anyone’s nationality, sex, religion, ethnicity has to do with them being competent to perform any job.”
Rayya Hadro Habsi said: “Sick, crazy and racist.”
Another resident, Olivia Lucy, also commented on the original post by the company, saying: “So disgusting the private messages people are getting from this ‘organisation’, should be ashamed.”
Shortly after, the firm changed its Facebook name from ‘Damon Part Time and Full Time Jobs’ to ‘Damon Event Jobs Blog’. The firm also turned off all commenting and removed their contact details.
It was reported earlier this year that bosses and organisations who discriminate during the hiring process can be fined up to Dh2 million, according to the UAE’s anti-discriminatory law passed in 2015.
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