You don’t really need a medical degree to know that the little bun in your oven can suck his thumb and hiccup.
Adorable baby-sucks-his-thumb ultrasounds seem to be ubiquitous, and the sensation of hiccupping in the womb is indisputable.
what else are babies up to in your womb the entire day?
Any pregnancy book in the world can give you a detailed answer to when your baby will form fingers but can it answer more pertinent questions like, “Can he fart in my womb?” Ha! Got you thinking now, isn’t it?
Well read on to have all your most bizarre pregnancy-related questions answered
Can Babies Breathe In The Womb?
They do breathe… but not like us. It’s complicated. Since there’s a lot of fluid, they get their oxygen from their mommies via the umbilical cord.
Do Babies Pee In The Womb?
Yes, they do! Amniotic fluid? It’s basically your baby’s pee. When your baby has reached full-term, almost 100% of the amniotic fluid encompassing him is composed of urine.
Do Babies Cry In The Womb?
A study conducted in 2005 claims they do. When a noise stimulus was placed against a pregnant belly, the fetus displayed distinctive crying behaviour.
Do Babies Poop In The Womb?
No. The first poop, called ‘meconium,’ generally occurs during the first day of birth. However pooping in the womb isn’t entirely impossible, especially if your little one is under stress upon delivery or is overdue.
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