Freedom is the ultimate human paradox. No one wants to live tangled in chains yet, we find ourselves burdened to enter into chains. Take India for example. it took us a hundred years to attain freedom. We fought for it tooth and nail. Food for thought is: do we enjoy the same freedom in our lives that we enjoyed in 1947? Its a good press statement when we say that India is a developing country. But according o a recent report, India is still categorized as an under developed nation. So, what happened? Was it the missing toilets from the rural landscape? No no. I think it could be the staggering waste in the rivers. What have we really achieved in the 70 long years of Independence?
It is told that Freedom is something that cannot be touched or seen or smelled- it’s something that can only be experienced, even when its adverse. Did we decide go back to a lull after our bloody battle leaving a misguided legacy for all? The pace of development is ample, but when we look into the country as a whole, do you think we are actually doing enough to keep the title “developing country?” A lo of questions, answers are few and elusive.
The political parties who ruled this country over these years were manipulating this freedom. Development should start from a citizen and reach the country because the growth of its citizens contributes to the nation’s overall growth. If we take a trip along the northern part of India, it paints a very different picture. We might be one among the super powers of the world, but it is high time to rethink what or where we have actually progressed.
Development must begin at the grass roots. But sadly here, there is a huge economic divide between the wealthy and the poor. Bridging the gap between the poor and the under privileged the new government is pelting out a slew of progressive policies in for the empowerment of woman and the general emancipation of the backward societies.
Freewill is something that is granted to the masses without any conditions. The right kind of freewill is when a person realizes what’s right and wrong. This is where education plays an important role. It will sow positive thoughts and drive us towards an objective.
Each citizen should concentrate on self development rather than wasting time on blaming their circumstance. That could be one of the biggest goddesses of freedom. Let our country strive. Let all of us, despite of religious diversities, celebrate our independence with a smile on our face. Greetings!
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