A woman was arrested in Vasai Sunday for allegedly paying her son and his friends to murder her younger son. The body of 22-year-old Ramcharan Dwivedi was found in Gokhivare village in Vasai on August 21, with his throat slit. The police were able to identify the body from the names tattooed on its arm. The names were of him and his mother Rajni Dwivedi.
However, when Rajni was called to the Waliv police station to claim his body, she denied that it belonged to her missing son, said officers.
Additional Superintendent of Police, Palghar, Raj Tilak Roshan said the woman’s behaviour was found to be suspicious and further investigations revealed that she had ordered Sitaram Dwivedi, her son from first marriage, to kill Ramcharan. “The woman was not pleased with the tendency of the deceased to maintain sexual relations with several women. For the past two years, he had been living in a rented home with a woman but had not married her,” he said.
The police said Ramcharan had also recently molested a relative, after which Rajni had to apologise to the girl’s family.
“The woman felt that her son’s behaviour was harming her reputation and paid Rs 50,000 to her older son and his three friends to kill Ramcharan,” he said. The police said the four men lured Dwivedi to Gokhivare on August 20 and killed him there. The police have arrested all five accused.
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