Over a week long reflection in the part of Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi, has produced moderate results as the leader broke her silence on Rohingya crisis saying that she has invited Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan to lead a commission that would help Myanmar resolve the long-standing problems in Rakhine. Suu Kyi also said that Myanmar is a complex nation and it achieved peace and stability after 70 years of internal conflict, and people expect the country to overcome all the challenges in the shortest time possible.
Speaking to the people of Myanmar through a live TV address, Aung San Suu Kyi condemned all human rights violations, saying that we (Myanmar) is committed to peace and the rule of law. “Myanmar does not fear international scrutiny, committed to sustainable solution in Rakhine state,” she added. Expressing concern, Suu Kyi said that Myanmar would like to have a dialogue with the people of Rohinga community who have fled the country. “We will start a verification process for those Rohingya who wish to return,” she said. Suu Kyi also said that the nation wants to know the reason behind the exodus. “Myanmar feels deeply for (the) suffering of all groups in Rakhine, concerned to hear about Muslims fleeing to Bangladesh,” she added.
A government release said that 400 rice sacks, 517 viss of oil and peas and254 viss of salt each was provided to each of the aged, and promises were made to continue with the ongoing support. It was also reported that Myanmar’s Union Minister for Construction, Electricity and Energy U Win Khiang, Rakhine Deputy Minister Dr. Tun Niang and the northern state’s Road Transport Minister U Aung Kyaw Zan have carried out inspections of regional development projects in northern Rakhine as per a local news agency report.
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