Laws were invented as a set of guidelines to be followed for the better functioning of the society. It was there from before the start of democracy up to the present day of democracy.
While most laws are quite similar across the globe (robbery, speeding, inflicting harm on someone are all punishable), there are some that are baffling and surprising to the normal folk.
United States – Chickens cannot cross the road
The townspeople of Quitman, Georgia in the United States will never know the answer to the riddle ‘why did the chicken cross the road?’ That is because the law requires owners to prevent their farm animals from running about.
Poland – Winnie the Pooh
Tuszyn, Poland has deemed popular children’s character Winnie the Pooh for being ‘inappropriate’. According to RedBook, Pooh is banned from all playgrounds and children’s areas because he’s not wearing any pants.
Greece – Wearing heels
If you’re going to Greece, make sure you leave your heels home. They are considered illegal to be worn at certain ancient monuments because of the damage they can wreak.
Samoa – Forgetting your wife’s birthday
Forgetting your wife’s birthday is like an incident printed in a pewspaper. Your wife will not only remind you about it in every argument you have, it will also come up in casuaal conversations. According to an Express Tribune report, it is also considered a crime that can land you in jail in Samoa; take note men!
France – Dying
According to The Guardian, dying in the French town of Sarpourenx is not allowed. Unless you purchase a burial at a plot in the local cemetery. This is a clever way of selling burial plots if you ask me.
Philippines – Claire Danes and Alec Baldwin
Better not to criticize the Philippines or Filipinos if you are a foreigner. Or you might face music. Claire Danes and Alec Baldwin know it the best. Both celebrities have been declared persona non-grata for making comments about the country and its people that were either A: Their opinions of the place (which they are entitled to) or, B: A joke that could easily have been shrugged off.
Switzerland – Flushing the toilet
Say goodbye to late-night trips to the loo in Switzerland as flushing the toilet after 10pm is not allowed as it’s considered ‘noise pollution’.
Denmark – Baby names
If you were born in Denmark, your name probably came from a government sanctioned list of 7,000 names. According to a Business Insider report, if the name is not on the list, then the name cannot be taken.
United Kingdom – Holding a salmon ‘suspiciously’
Whatever you do, don’t look fishy while holding a salmon in the UK. This is stated in the Parliament’s Salmon Act of 1986.
Germany – Running out of petrol
Imagine driving along the highway and then running out of petrol. You can just stop on the side of the road, right? You can’t do that in the German Autobahn. If you do, legal hawks will pounce on you.
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