Latest Intelligence Beuro reports state that Dawood Ibrahim is still alive and got a strong grip over the security agencies in Pakistan.
The IB reports states that a few months back there were certain health-related issues, but today he is in good condition of health. He is conducting oversees drug trade between Afghanistan and India and also the extortion racket in Mumbai which is a huge money spinner, the report added.
Pakistan’s ISI, a Pak Security Agency is keen to frequently move his location as there is a threat to his life. He has been moved around at least 4 to five times in the past three months as per threats.
At the same time, India has got an assurance from the UAE that it would let its soil be used for the don’s activities. India has been in touch with the UAE over this issue.
As the extraction of `Don’ from Pakistan seems tough, the agencies are decided to target his financial interests. A Dawood without money is like dead-wood and Pakistan would be the first to drop him like a hot potato, an IB officer informed.
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