Over the rising fear of North Korean Nuclear Capable missile testing, Trump administration is now expanding their missile defense system to stop Korean missile without any human loss. The missile defense system designed to protect US cities is insufficient to destroy Pyongyang’s missiles before they get far from Korean airspace.
In an emergency request to Congress last week, the administration plans to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into the two other approaches, both of which are still in the experimental stage.
The first one the US administration put forward is the use of a cyber-weapon costing $4 billion to deal with North Korean missile impact. The cyber-weapon will interfere with the Korea’s control systems before missiles are launched, rather than shooting down with drones and fighter jets after liftoff.
The second is a new approach to blowing up the missiles in the “boost phase,” when they are slow-moving, highly visible targets.
President Donald Trump has praised the existing missile defense system, insisting last month that it “can knock out a missile in the air 97 percent of the time,” a claim that arms control experts call patently false. In trial runs, conducted under ideal conditions, the interceptors in Alaska and California have failed half of the time.
Defense officials, along with top scientists and senior members of Congress, described the accelerated effort as a response to the unexpected progress that North Korea has made in developing intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of delivering a nuclear weapon to the continental United States.
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