Entire Gulf region to be connected by ultra-fast tube transportation system…..
The entire Gulf region will be connected through an ultra-fast tube transportation system, which will operate at a velocity of 1,100 km per hour.
Founder of US-based Virgin Hyperloop One, Josh Giegel spoke to medias on Thursday soon after he signed an agreement with the MiSK Foundation for an ultra-fast tube transportation system and to train Saudi youths on engineering and technical skills.
On behalf of the Misk Foundation, the agreement was inked by Bader Al-Asaker, secretary-general of the Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz Philanthropic Foundation, known as the Misk Foundation.
Giegel said that the proposed ultra-fast tube transportation means that a vehicle would run through a tube at a velocity of 1,100 km for an hour, which could quickly connect countries in the region. It will be two to three times faster and cheaper than the high-speed train, he added.
He said the details of the project such as routes of operations inside as well as outside the Kingdom will be discussed with the Saudi parties shortly.
He added that such ultra-fast transportation is also ideal for inland transport.
Within a span of two years, Giegel said Hyperloop One has assembled a team of more than 300 world-class experts, and built a campus in downtown Los Angeles, a test and safety site in the Nevada desert, and a 100,000-sq-ft. machine and tooling shop in North Las Vegas.
Pointing out the interest of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in empowering Saudi youths under the Vision 2030 program, Giegel added that his company has agreed to offer internships for Saudi youths in Los Angeles and train technicians and engineers in relevant fields. “We are ready to train them in their own fields and update them with the latest technology in the digital world.”
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