The UAE National Day is celebrated with the pomp and flair. But this National Day there seems to be a small, no, a big change that stumps the citizens.
Motorists who drive their vehicles posing danger to road users or stopping in the middle of the road, drive noisy vehicles, throwing garbage and using foam spray during National Day celebrations will be slapped with heavy fines, Dubai Police has warned.
Dubai Police send warning ahead of 46th National Day celebrations, that bad behavior and dangerous driving will result in fines of up to Dh2,000 and 23 black points and cars can also be impounded for up to 60 days.
Brigadier Saif Muhair Al Mazroui, director of Traffic Department at Dubai Police, said that the police would be prepared during the national celebrations to tackle offenders.
“We will focus on the most serious traffic offenses usually happening during National Day celebrations like driving a vehicle endangering lives of road users or stopping in the middle of the road for no reason,” Brigadier Al Mazroui said.
Police patrols will be deployed at all Dubai roads especially on major intersections to monitor the traffic flow. Mobile radars will be installed on highways and the areas of celebrations to crack down on violators.
Al Mazroui urged the public to refrain from causing traffic chaos and to abide by laws during the celebrations,
“We want to have a peaceful day to celebrate the occasion and make everyone happy. We want to avoid traffic jams and strictly tackle drivers who cause problem on roads,” he said
Brigadier Al Mazouri said that only official rallies will be allowed.
List of traffic fines for violations committed during National Day celebrations
Dangerous driving: Dh2,000 fine, 23 black points and 60 days of vehicle impounding.
Dh1,000 fine and six black points for stopping the vehicle in the middle of the road for no reason.
Dh2,000 fine and 12 traffic points for driving a noisy vehicle.
Dh1,500 fine for exceeding permitted car window tinting.
Dh500 fine, four black points and 15 days impoundment for driving a vehicle in an unauthorized march.
Dh500 fine for writing words or putting posters on the vehicle without permission.
Dh400 fine and four black points for using the horn or the stereo that annoy others.
Dh400 fine and four black points for not following traffic instructions.
Dh400 fine for blocking traffic.
Dh1,000 and six black points for throwing garbage from the vehicle.
Dh400 fine for intentionally covering a plate number.
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