SHOCKING !!! This man is drinking petrol for 42 years
A 71 year-old-man, who proves that petrol is useful not only for cars.
This man suffers from constant severe pain, he drinks 3-3.5 liters of gasoline (Petrol) per month.
He has never counted the amount he takes, but the press estimates that he has drunk approximately 1.5 tons of fuel during the past 42 years.
Chen Dejun from china, started drinking Petrol since 1969. When Chen started a cough and a severe pain in his chest, he decided to go to the doctor but nobody could help him.
Then the local elders thought that he probably had tuberculosis, and suggested him to drink kerosene. They told him that if he did not, he would not be cured. After the first dose,
Chen’s stomach began to hurt a lot, but the pain in his chest calmed down.
In the year 2001, Chen Dejun began to drink gasoline, since the electricity reached the town and they stopped using kerosene. According to him, gasoline is as good as the fuel he used before.
The doctors who examined the man said that despite the signs of emphysema, the man is in good health. And his body has gradually adapted to gasoline, since these doses would have killed anyone.
According to their estimates, gasoline acts as an anesthetic, but it can not cure the disease
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