Based on classification of jobs, UAE to apply work permit fee from yesterday : This is how
The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation will apply new fees on work permits. The fee depends on the skill level of workers and whether the worker is based inside or outside the UAE.
The ministry will also implement a new system for classification of businesses into three categories. The classification is based on skill levels, focusing on whether skilled workers or limited skills workers are employed. Work permit fees will also depend on the establishment’s category in the classification system.
This will take into account fee exemptions for establishments employing GCC nationals. Fishing boat businesses are also exempt from paying work permit fees.
The move is in implementation of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on the classification of establishments, subject to the law on regulating labour relations and banking safeguards. The ministry should provide services of information and evaluation to establishments.
Category 1
If a company has a system to accommodate fishing boats owned by Emiratis, they will come under ‘Category 1’.
Category 2
Companies are classified into ‘Category 2’, with subclassification as A, B, C and D based on ratio of skilled workers and a company’s commitment to multicultural diversity.
2A: If the ratio of skilled workers is more than 40 per cent or more of the total workforce. Additionally, ratio of diversity of employees should be beyond 50 per cent.
2B: If the ratio of skilled workers is between 10 per cent and 40 per cent of the total workforce. Additionally, ratio of diversity of employees should be beyond 50 per cent.
2C: If the ratio of the skilled workers is between 5 per cent and less than 10 per cent of the total work force. Additionally, ratio of diversity of employees should be beyond 50 per cent.
2D: If the ratio of skilled workers is less than 5 per cent of the total workforce and the ratio of diversity of employees is less than 50 per cent.
Category 3
If a company commits one or more violations of the 10 listed, it will be will classified under ‘Category 3’.
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