The capital city of India is not a safe zone for married women as figures show it is among the top three cities that have reported maximum cases of cruelty by husband or his relatives.
As per the recent reports of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Delhi, along with Jaipur and Hyderabad, shares top three positions in cases of cruelty by husband or his relatives against women, crime against scheduled castes, economic offenses, cybercrime and auto thefts.
Out of the total 12,218 cases of cruelty by husband or his relatives, Jaipur reported 1,008 cases. Delhi was at the top with 3,645 cases and Hyderabad 1,311.
Under crime against scheduled castes, Lucknow reported the highest number of cases of atrocities accounting for 16.2 percent (262 cases) followed by Patna with 14.9 percent (241 cases) and Jaipur with 13.5 percent (219 cases) during 2016.
A total of 30,734 economic offense cases were reported in 2016.
In 19 metropolitan cities, out of four specified categories of economic offenses, including criminal breach of trust, cheating, forgery, and counterfeiting, maximum cases were reported under cheating (25,658 cases), accounting for 83.5 percent during 2016.
In economic offenses, Jaipur ranks second with 4,742 cases after New Delhi where 5,942 such cases were reported. Mumbai registered 4,191 cases, accounting for 13.6 percent of such cases during 2016.
As per the NCRB report, Rajasthan’s state capital is also leading in cyber crimes. Mumbai has reported the maximum number of cases under cybercrime, accounting for 23.5 percent (980 cases) followed by Bengaluru 18.3 percent (762 cases) and Jaipur 12.6 percent (532 cases) during 2016.
During 2016, out of the total 1,94,558 cases of theft, 74,293 cases (38.2 percent) were auto theft cases, of which Delhi (37,147 cases) reported the maximum number of cases followed by Bengaluru (5,843 cases) and Jaipur (5,271 cases).
The rape case study is another reminder of Delhi’s reputation as India’s most unsafe city, a reputation only partially borne out by facts.
The number of reported rapes in Delhi more than doubled between 2012 and 2013 in the aftermath of the December 16, 2012, gangrape, a phenomenon the police attribute to better reporting. As of mid-November this year, 1879 cases of rape had been registered in the city, but the increase between 2013 and 2014 was far smaller.
Delhi did have a higher rate of reported rape than Mumbai or Chennai, but cities in Madhya Pradesh do even worse.v
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