Horrifying footage has surfaced of a father lashing a teenage girl with a belt then shaving off her hair as punishment for downloading Snap chat.
Alex Harrison, 33, proudly shared the video on Facebook and Snapchat earlier this week. He was arrested on child cruelty charges shortly afterwards.
At the beginning of the footage, he said: ‘She wanna be grown, she getting her a** whooped n her hair bald. School is for work not f****** Snapchat. She ain’t got no business with no damn snap anyway. Stay tuned.’
He identified the girl as a 9th grader. Children in that grade are 14 or 15. Throughout the footage, she is wearing a Despicable Me t-shirt.
Ferriday Police Department refused to say on Friday whether or not the girl was still in the home or if she had been taken into the care of authorities.
Asked repeatedly for information, a department spokesman refused to answer and said the footage was still under investigation.
The video, which was shot by someone else, then cut to Harrison shouting at the girl as she wept into her hands, her hair already shaved off.
In another frame, he is seen standing over her in a red t-shirt as she lay on the edge of a couch at his command.
He whipped her with a belt several times, ignoring her agonizing screams and telling her to move her hands and feet which she used to try to block the blows.
The beating lasted a minute-and-a-half and included 50 strikes.
Throughout it, Harrison can be heard shouting: ‘You want to be grown?’
He also insulted the girl’s personal hygiene and said she did not know ‘how to change her tampon’.
After whipping her repeatedly, he led her in to another room in the house where he sat her down at a breakfast bar and shaved off her head.
‘This is what it means to be grown,’ he said.
As her hair fell to the floor around her, the girl whimpered and cried into her hands.
Harrison was arrested on Monday after the video was spread online.
In a recording seen by DailyMail.com, the footage is shown on a cell phone as it plays on another cell phone.
The commentator in that video, who is watching it as they film it, makes similar comments to those made by Harrison in the video.
Ferriday Police Department said the video was proof of child abuse.
‘After reviewing the video, from my experience in the business, we determined the child was abused,’ Detective Richard Madison told The Natchez Democrat.
Police would not confirm if the girl in the video is the man’s daughter or how they are known to each other.
On social media, he has proudly shared photographs of a girl around the same age.
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