Is an actress, director and television host Lakshmy Ramakrishnan peeved with the recent trend in Tamil movies, where they make fun of her show ‘Solluvathellam Unmai’. Aruvi is being celebrated by critics and the general public also had a lengthy episode taking a dig at Lakshmy Ramakrishnan’s show Appreciating Akshay Kumar’s Padman, Lakshmy’s tweet about the spoof trend in Tamil cinema.”When talents from TN are busy making spoofs and belittling others’ work and defaming in their movies, Bollywood is making movies on real heroes, happy to have interacted with the real #padman @PadManTheFilm”, wrote Lakshmy on Twitter.
Lakshmy is currently working on the script of her new film ‘House Owner’, which is likely to have Ashok Selvan and Aishwarya Rajesh in the lead roles.
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