In order to escape from bad air pollution caused by smog, Delhi unveiled a new weapon against air pollution an “anti-smog gun”.
On Wednesday authorities unveiled the weapon against air pollution. Authorities hope it will clear the skies above New Delhi but which environmentalists say amounts to a Band-Aid solution.
The cannon’s Indian manufacturers say the fine droplets of water it ejects at high speed can flush out deadly airborne pollutants in one of the world’s smoggiest capitals.
The giant `anti-smog gun’ shaped like a hair dryer and mounted on a flatbed truck was tested. Manufacturer Cloud Tech said it can blow up to 100 liters of water per minute into the skies and clear 95 percent of airborne pollutants.
Greenpeace was less than impressed, saying the cannon was a distraction from the root causes of Delhi’s winter pollution, a phenomenon so bad the city’s own chief minister described it as a “gas chamber”.
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