Men under the influence of alcohol are more likely to see women as sexual objects, a study has found.
Of the 49 subjects, 29 received two alcoholic drinks to mildly intoxicate them, and the rest received placebo drinks.
All were shown photographs of 80 undergraduate women dressed to go out and were asked to rate the women’s appearances and personality.
The women’s photos were previously rated by an independent panel on how much warmth, good-naturedness, friendliness, competence, intelligence, confidence, and attractiveness they exuded. Eye-tracking technology noted which part of the women’s bodies men was looking at when they were shown the images.
When the men assessed a photographed woman based on her appearance, the instruction most often triggered objectifying gazes from them. They spent less time looking at faces and focused far longer on chests and waists. This was particularly true when viewing women who had been rated high in attractiveness.
It happened to a lesser degree when viewing women who exuded warmth and competence, especially when men were slightly drunk.
The findings suggest that whether a man will sexually objectify a woman depends on the alcohol intoxication of the man, as well as how attractive, warm and competent a woman is perceived to be.
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