Here is an Illustrated guide to the 9 different kinds of breasts shape
Buying a bra is an ordeal of sorts for many women, mostly because the sizes available in the market do not fit them right. If 32 is perfect, they can’t decide between A and B, and if you go Cs in your bras, you can’t decide between 34 and 36.
The reason behind this is that the shape of every woman’s breast is different, or so says ThirdLove, a lingerie store. The website has yet identified nine types of breast shapes that are based on breasts’ fullness, width and length, which are all perfectly normal and beautiful.
A pair of breasts where the shape of breasts is different is called an asymmetric pair. Either of them could be noticeably bigger or less pronounced.
2.East west
Here, the nipples face in opposite directions and the breasts have a sloppy structure from top to bottom.
3.Side Set
In a side set pair of breasts, there is a wide gap between the two breasts. The nipples will point more forward than in East West.
A round shaped pair is the one in which the breasts are equally full at the top and the bottom.
5.Bell Shape
Bell-shaped breasts are those which are slimmer at the top and fuller at the bottom, just like a bell.
6.Tear Drop
This shape is similar to bell-shaped breasts but with a gentler slope. They are less full at the bottom than bell-shaped breasts.
Slender breasts are wider at the top and narrower at the bottom. They are skinny and have less breast tissue.
Athletic breasts are tight with less breast tissue and upright nipples.
Relaxed breasts are wider at the top and narrower at the bottom with nipples facing downward.
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