With the year 2017 coming to an end, what are your plans for the New Year 2018? Check out this new calendar.
The beginning of new year guarantees few new things – new year resolution, to do list and the most important new year calendar. And to ring in 2018, 21Fools has come up with an eco-friendly calendar named ‘Kyaari’ that turns into a garden at the end of the year. Unlike the usual calendar that you buy every year and throw away at the end this way stay with you forever. Made with beejkapas the quirky calendar grows into plants when sown. For the uninitiated, beej-kapas is a sheet made of cotton and embedded with organic seeds.
A Mumbai-based start-up, 21 Fools aims at creating meaningful products for a better world. Kyaari is a noble initiative by 21 Fools as a payback to nature. The calendar is made out of two essential components – 12 different beejkapas for each month and frame made out of recycled wood. The calendar has 12 different seeds — marigold, tomato, holy basil (tulsi), chili, grass, petunia, coreopsis, cosmos, vinca, pansy, balsam and portulaca — one for each month. At the end of the month after you bury the paper under a thin layer of soil it blooms into plants and herbs.
“21 Fools has been making products using the beejkapas for the last three years. The handmade and biodegradable paper has seeds that grow into a plant when sown in soil. One has to only fill a pot with soil, moisten the paper and tear it into pieces, and place it in the soil. The seeds germinate once you start watering it,” explains Divyanshu Asopa, the Founder of 21 Fools. Kyaari follows a special delivery idea, where it will interact with customers 3 times in a year by delivering four months calendar sheets at a time. “Since we want the seeds to remain fresh, we send the calendar sheets three times a year with different seeds,” adds Divyanshu.
The calendars are a much recent innovation, 21 Fools has been making quirky stuff like coasters, postcards, gift bags, rakhi, planting kits, wristbands, greeting and wedding cards, rakhis, business cards and bookmarks, using the seed-infused paper.
To order your calendar, check out their website: https://21fools.com/pages/kyaari
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