Indian Air Force to get Russian ‘Laser-Guided Bombs’ worth Rs. 1,254 Crore
The Centre on Tuesday approved the purchase of 240 precision-guided bombs from Russia and 131 Barak missiles from Israel. Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman cleared two proposals to procure the weapons for Rs 1,714 crore.
The KAB-1500 laser-guided bombs for Sukhoi-30MKI fighter jets were procured from Joint Stock Company Rosoboron Exports at a cost of Rs 1,254 crore.
These bombs fall under the category of Precision Guided Munitions and are used by the IAF. “This procurement will address the deficiency of precision guided munitions in the IAF’s arsenal, besides enhancing its offensive capabilities,” said a statement issued by the MOD.
IAF sources said the precision guided weapon is cal led KAB-1500, which is a laser guided bomb and for use on IAF’s Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighter jets. It is designed to destroy ground targets such as railway lines, ammunition depots, bridges, military facilities and ships. The bomb’s warhead weighs 1,,100 kilograms. The bomb has folding fins that allow it to maneuver while being guided to the target.
“The procurement of bombs will address the deficiency of Precision Guided Munitions in the Indian Air Force arsenal, besides enhancing the offensive capabilities of the IAF,” the ministry said. The surface-to-air Barak missiles for the Indian Navy will be used as a ship-borne anti-missile defence system against anti-ship missiles.
In May 2016, the Cabinet had approved the strategic partnership model to allow domestic private companies to form joint ventures with foreign defence equipment manufacturers.
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