Signs and Symptoms of Porn Addiction
Porn, when watched in moderation, can be fun, exciting, and even good for your relationship. But when you end up watching more and more porn instead of focusing on your relationship, it becomes a problem.
Here are five signs that you may be addicted to porn:
You crave pornographic films
Like a craving for something sweet or salty, you long to watch porn. Sometimes, things like seeing a couple kiss or a sext from your partner may trigger your craving to watch an X-rated film.
You feel guilty/ashamed of your habit
It’s not that you don’t feel upset or confused about your habit, but you can’t stop it no matter how hard you try. Your addiction to porn soon starts messing with other areas of your life and might make you anti-social or withdrawn.
You look for different types of porn
You get bored with regular pornography and want to explore more adventurous types. You trawl the internet for weirder, more bizarre porn, and you’re okay with breaking rules or using illegal methods to obtain it.
You don’t feel attracted to your partner anymore
Sex with your partner has become rare, and when you do indulge, you don’t get any pleasure from it. The attraction between you two has waned and you’d much rather just watch a pornographic film and pleasure yourself.
You believe sex in porn is how it should be in real life
One of the main reasons you don’t feel attracted to your partner is because you feel like he/she is lacking in the sexuality department. You want your sex life to be exactly how it is in porn, and your expectations about intimacy are twisted.
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