In a heated argument that took place in UN security council, US Ambassador to Nikki Haley has warned Iran that “The world will be watching what you do”.This comment comes as anti-government protests are going on in Iran.
During the meeting, three members France, Russia and China of the permanent five, joined Iran in asserting that this 15-membered body was not an appropriate forum to discuss the current situation in Iran as it does not pose any threat to international peace and security.
“The people of Iran are rising up. They are asking for something that no government can legitimately deny them: their human rights and fundamental freedoms. They are calling out, Think of us. If the founding principles of this institution mean anything, we will not only hear their cry, we will finally answer it. The Iranian regime is now on notice. The world will be watching what you do,” Haley told a meeting of the UN Security Council.
Meanwhile, the anti-government protests have gone bloody with more than 20 people losing their lives.
US government’s support for anti-government supporters doesn’t come as a surprise as the US doesn’t have a cordial relationship with Iranian establishment since a long time.
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