How educated are the youth of India? Have they achieved their educational goals? What about the children? Are they in school or are they working?
Nearly 25% teenagers between the age group of 14-18 years in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s constituency Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh do not know what the capital of India is, according to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2017. The survey also reveals that 25% of this age group still cannot read basic text fluently in their own language and that 12.4% of children at the age of 14 didn’t enroll in schools.
At the age of 14, 82.4% kids in Varanasi, 86.2% in Budgam in Jammu and Kashmir, 83.6% in Sonipat in Haryana, 84.4% Dehradun in Uttarakhand have had a better show in education. The survey found that Varanasi is among the districts which has 51.7% of youth were found working. The highest (64.3%) were found in Udaipur.
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In the Prime Minister’s constituency, 62% of children between the age group of 14-18 have never worked on a computer while 67.3% have never used the Internet. The survey also says that while the number of boys who have never used the Internet is 35%, there are a total of 81% girls who have never done so.
“76% of surveyed youth could count money correctly (basic addition abilities). For those who have basic arithmetic skills,3 the figure was close to 90%,” the report said. “Telling time is a common daily activity. For the easy task (hour), 83% got it correct. But for the slightly harder task (hour and minutes) a little less than 60% got it right,” it added. The report ASER 2017 which focuses on 14-to-18-year-olds was published on January 16, 2018.
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