A new device allows you to use your hot or cold beverage to charge your phone. Epiphany onE Puck.This Amazing product comes from Epiphany Labs. Epiphany Labs is a group of technologists and business professionals who have a passion for inventing new technologies and tinkering with existing ones to develop products that create positive changes throughout the world. With the Epiphany onE Puck, your phone will never die again. This compact heat engine will simplify your life and benefit the world!.
The idea behind the Epiphany onE Puck is to use a Stirling engine powered solely by heat disparities, such as a hot or cold drink, a candle, ice, etc. These heat sources will provide enough power to the Stirling engine to fully charge your cell phone battery.
How does the Epiphany onE Puck work?
The Epiphany onE Puck connects to your iPhone, Android, or similar device. Setting up onE Puck is as easy as connecting the onE Puck to your phone and applying heat or cold. That’s it.
·All iPhones
·All iPods
·All Android phones
-Any device that uses a USB charger drawing 1000 mA or less
The Epiphany onE Puck is tiny, lightweight and portable. It can be used in all types of settings when that last battery bar dreadfully disappears…
Thus You can Charge your Phone with a Hot Coffee or a cool Chilled Beer or any drinks that are hot or cold that’s it
The onE Puck is designed to produce 5 watts at maximum output, which is the same as a standard smartphone charger.
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