Married couples shares their sex related problems and experience
Many people think sex is all about pleasure and romance. But in reality, sex also has the potential to ruin a relationship. Whether it’s love marriage or an arranged one, marriage does not guarantee a good sex life, and it can be a struggle for many ‘happily married’ couples to be sexual compatible with each other.
Here’s married people from different walks of life, shares their struggles in sex life. While most of them claimed to be emotionally satisfied with their partners but a few confessed that dissatisfaction in the sexual life was secretly hampering their marriage.
Here’s their sex-life struggles :
She uses it as a weapon

“My husband considers ‘pulling out’ as a safe practice and does not like using a condom during sex. In fact, he feels condoms ruin our pleasure level as there is no direct skin contact. He discourages me from using other contraceptive methods and we have been fighting over this issue since past four months. I never thought I will have to explain the importance of using a protection after marriage.

“We have had this issue since the first day of our married life. My husband enjoys watching porn, and it seems he is addicted to it. He watches it even when we are having sex or are about to have it. Once we had a big fight on this and he confessed that he only gets turned on after watching porn. This thing has started irritating me to the core now. I do not feel like making out with him anymore”

“My husband’s job is very demanding, and he returns home late from office most of the times. As a result, he is always tired and crashes on bed immediately after dinner. I am sex-starved since a year and I have been struggling to resolve this issue. He is working hard to improve our standard of living. I want to be a supportive wife, and not a selfish life partner.”

“My partner and I have been married for eight months now, and I have discovered that our libidos don’t match. My husband enjoys having sex twice a day but I cannot keep up with his sex drive. In fact, I am happy having sex once in two days. I have not shared this with him yet because we are newly married. But soon, I will have to confess that I do not enjoy having sex as frequently as he does.”
“We had an arranged marriage and never imagined sex would be a struggle for us. My husband and I have completely different sexual preferences. He enjoys kinky stuff like bondage, role playing, et al, but I am not a fan of these. He likes to have rough sex, and I prefer sleeping in another room whenever he drops hints about his plans.”
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