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Raid/ clear your cupboard; useful tips for household items

Spring time-time to clear your closets, people. But with the stuff overflowing-looking both valuable and useless at the same time, one might be confused.

So here is a little tip on the uncommon usage of common articles.

Baby powder

– Sprinkle it on tangled jewelry to get knots out.

– Put talc on your hairbrush and brush into your roots as a dry shampoo.

– Dust into stale-smelling books to freshen their scent.

– Leave around doors or windows to repel ants.

Baking soda

– Sprinkling baking soda in a stinky hamper helps with odors there.

– Use it to scrub the grate of your barbecue grill.

– A study found that a baking-soda-and-water solution was the most effective method of washing pesticides from produce.

Clear nail polish

– Women have been using it to stop runs in their stockings for years, but it also works to keep buttons from unraveling. Just dab a tiny drop onto the loose thread at the center of the button.

– Paint over inexpensive jewelry so it won’t turn your skin green.

– Give handwritten labels a coating to make them smudge-proof.

Coconut oil

– Remove price tag residue by rubbing a 50-50 mixture of coconut oil and baking soda on the problem spot.

– Season cast-iron pans: Its thick consistency is easy to work with and holds up well.

– Try it as a cheap, natural moisturizer. Bonus: Some people love the smell.

Emery board

– Use emery boards to sharpen small things like utility knife blades, tweezers, and sewing machine needles.

– Remove stains on suede shoes, clothing and more by very gently buffing them with an emery board.

– If your sweaters are pilling, try running an emery board over the little bumps to remove them.


– We all know running a lemon rind through your garbage disposal will freshen the smell, but did you know that lemons can also deodorize your microwave? Zap a bowl of water and half a lemon for five minutes.

– The acid in lemon juice is also effective for cutting through soap scum on shower doors and other bathroom spots.

– Remove coffee and tea stains from mugs by filling them with lemon peel and warm water and letting them soak.


– If you have water rings on your wood furniture, dab on a little mayonnaise, letting it sit for an hour, then wiping with a soft cloth. Repeat if necessary.

– This slippery condiment is also effective for removing gum from your hair.

– Others swear by mayonnaise, which is rich in oils, for healing hangnails.

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Old newspaper

– Did you know you can shine dark shoes by balling up a newspaper and briskly rubbing them with it?

– Make newspaper balls, spray them with water and stuff them in your refrigerator to soak up bad smells.

– Wrapping green tomatoes in newspaper help them ripen faster. Just be sure to wash before eating – and be sure to finish reading this article before wrapping!

Money coins

– Dropping a copper coin and a pinch of sugar into a vase helps cut flowers last longer because the copper acts as a fungicide.

– Check your tire tread depth by sticking Lincoln headfirst into the tread. If his entire head is still showing, you need new tires.

– Pennies can stabilize tippy tables and other furniture, too.

Rubber bands

– If a screw gets stripped as you’re trying to remove it, stick a section of rubber band into the stripped area and it gives you just enough grip to get the job done.

– Stick rubber bands over the ends of hangers for a cheap but effective way of keeping strappy tops and slinky sweaters from slipping off.

– Stretch a rubber band from the bottom of a can of paint up over the open top and use it to wipe your brush to remove excess paint and prevent drips.

Rubber gloves

– Use them to get a better grip on tough-to-open jars. You don’t even have to put them on.

– Don the gloves, dampen them slightly and run your hands over your upholstered furniture to remove pet hair.


– String chain necklaces through drinking straws to keep them from getting tangled while in storage.

– Use straws to support delicate flower stems when you make a homemade bouquet.

– When storing food in a zipper bag, close all but a quarter of an inch, then stick a straw in and suck the air out of the bag before closing all the way. This should prevent freezer burn.


– We’ve all probably used an old toothbrush to clean around faucets or scrub grout, but it’s also the perfect tool to clean mud out of the treads of your shoes.

– You can use an extra toothbrush to clean your cheese grater without grating your fingers.

– Try using a toothbrush to remove silk from corn.


– The acetic acid in vinegar can kill weeds, although expert gardeners suggest using it just on those in the cracks of your pavement because it can also kill your plants.

– Apple cider vinegar as a great clarifier that removes product buildup from your hair.

– Spraying a vinegar-and-water solution on your car windows will prevent frost

– Some swear that a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar will stop the hiccups.


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