Ever seen a flash mob? Of course, you have. What about the messages and awareness passed through them?
The inauguration of the 14th edition of the Auto Expo-2018 this year saw Maruti Suzuki kick-starting a unique ‘Pehni Kya?campaign to generate the need for always wearing a seat belt to ensure both passenger and road safety.
The flash mobs will be held from 9 February till 14 February at the Auto Expo 2018, Greater Noida.
The #PehniKya flash mob sports India’s first-ever seatbelt song – a catchy, appealing jingle designed to create a lasting impact on the critical importance of the seatbelt. The lyrics are kept simple and catchy. The foot tapping number is a mix of Indian and Western music to appeal to a wide range of audiences especially youth.
Maruti Suzuki has partnered with The Danceworx, led by famous choreographer Ashley Lobo, for a signature dance routine to be performed to the song. The flash mob performance will take place thrice a day throughout the duration of the Auto Expo.
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At special Pledge Booths in the venue, visitors can fasten on the seatbelt, take the pledge, share their selfies on social media and stand a chance to win special #PehniKya? branded cozy. Through this, Maruti Suzuki hopes to encourage car users, especially youth, to wear seat belts and contribute to making India’s roads safer.
The #PehniKya campaign, conducted by Maruti Suzuki India (MSIL) was kicked off in November 2017.
A Road Accident Report 2016, published by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) said that in 2016 alone 5,638 lives were lost in India due to not wearing seatbelts.
Some of the spectators at the flash dance were candid enough to say that they often ignore wearing seat belts or don’t wear them at all on grounds of it being cumbersome. However, they said that after the “Pehni Kya” campaign, they promised to wear seat belts whenever in a vehicle.
It is estimated that only 25% of passengers wear seat belts, as per a Maruti Suzuki survey carried out recently.
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Media reports have said that there are at least five reasons why passengers do not wear seatbelts:
. Weak legal enforcement
. Personal image matters more than safety
. Seat belts crinkle clothes
. The belief that airbags are a better safety option, which is untrue. If an occupant is not wearing a seatbelt, an airbag may cause more harm in the event of a crash.
. Peer pressure
Maruti Suzuki Executive Director (Marketing and Sales) Randhir Singh Kalsi told ANI on the sidelines of the campaign that people need to take a conscious decision to belt-up and educate fellow commuters on the need for paying attention to simple safety measures.
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