According to the assessment of US intelligent agencies, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the leader of the dreaded terrorist group ISIS is expected to get injured during the airstrike which took place on last year May. The intelligence agencies have come to this viewpoint based on the information they gathered from the captured ISIS terrorists and the refugees who emerged from the region months after the airstrike.
It is believed that though the injury might not be life-threatening, it sure would prevent Bhagdadi from having the hold of the day to day functions of the terror group.
The airstrike took place when the Army surrounded the City of Raqha which used to be the stronghold of the ISIS terrorists. But it is still unclear whether he died in the airstrike or whether he was dead.
Also read: Shocking revealing how ISIS abducts, rape girls and what is done thereafter
It is also unclear who in fact fired the missile. Us doesn’t have the exact date of the airstrike. They also don’t know whether the missile was fired by the Russian army. It is believed the airstrike occurred close to the date offered by the Russian military in June when they claimed to have killed or injured the ISIS leader.
Even Russia had hinted that Bhagdhadi might have been injured or killed in the airstrike of May 28. But at that time too analyst has warned to look at the information of his death with skepticism since there were many false reports regarding his death before too.
The US-backed campaign is now focusing on the remaining pocket of territory controlled by ISIS — the stretch of desert along the Syrian-Iraqi border, known as Jazeera. They expect the terrorist leader to be here.
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