Results of Patna University students union elections were declared on Saturday. The elections were held after a gap of six years. During the declaration of the election, there were firing and stone pelting by supporters of candidates.In the student body election, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) student wing of BJP won a majority of seats. They were able to grab 3 out of 5 seats.
And the result also came as a surprise to some, as Divyanshu, who contested as an independent candidate after denial of ticket by the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), won the elections. Divyanshu got 1862 votes Jan Adhikar Party’s Gautam Kumar getting 1750 votes whereas left student alliance AISA-AISF, who got 1168 votes.
Vice president post was won by Yoshita Patwardhan of ABVP. Following are the results of the election.
Also read: ABVP member death: BJP against SDPI
Divyanshu – President with 1862 votes
Yoshita Patwardhan – Vice president with 1768 votes
Sudhanshu Bhushan – General secretary with 1647 votes
Azad Chand – Additional secretary with 1545 votes
Treasurer – Nitish Patel with 1206 votes
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