Central Board of secondary education has come down heavily on schools under the board that is not issuing Admit cards to the students on various grounds.Recently it has come to the notice of CBSE that many schools are not giving admit cards to their students for reasons like bad performance in pre-boards exams and so on. It has also been reported that many schools are even collecting fees to issue certificates.
One such incident has popped up from Gujarat were students were not issued Admit cards due to default in fees.But the Gujarat Education has asked the schools to not to play with the future of pupils.CBSE has even issued circular regarding it.
“Several instances of not issuing admit card by various CBSE affiliated schools on the ground of performance of students in the pre-board tests have come to the notice of CBSE.
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It is further noted that some schools are charging the fee for release of admit card. This practice of withholding admits card has been viewed very seriously by the board. Rule 15 of the CBSE examination by-laws states: In no case, the heads of affiliated schools shall detain eligible candidates from appearing at the examination.
“It is reiterated that holding of admit card to appear in practical theory exam is violative of CBSE examination bye-laws. The schools will not charge any fees for issue of admit card to the eligible candidate,” it read.
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