You would be amazed to know that there are people around you earning a fat paycheck every month. Fatter than you can even imagine without a higher qualification or a not even a degree.
Here are some magical jobs that will surely solve the problem of money to a large amount and with that it will also create a base for future education.
Power distributors and dispatchers:
Power distributors and dispatchers, this job includes the responsibility to regulate, distribute, or coordinate stream or electricity. The educational qualification which is required to get this job is High School Diploma and the annual income is Rs. 52.50 Lakhs.
Commercial Pilots:
To become a Commercial Pilot, the educational qualification which is required is high school diploma and a certificate/license of a pilot. The responsibilities of this job include navigating the flight of fixed-wing aircraft on nonscheduled air carrier routes, or helicopters. The annual income of this job is Rs.49.50 lakhs.
Power Plant Operators:
Power Plant Operates, for this the work involves to control, maintain, or operate machinery to generate electric power. To become a power plant operator the educational qualification reuired is a High School Diploma and the annual income is Rs.48 Lakhs.
Gaming Managers:
To become a Gaming Manager in Casinos you need to be able to coordinate, plan or direct gaming operations in a casino. To get this job you need to have a High School Diploma as an educational qualification. The annual income is of Rs. 44.25 Lakhs.
Funeral Service Directors:
To get this job all you need is nothing but an associate degree. The work responsibilities includes to direct, plan or cordinate the services or resources of funeral homes. The annual income of this job is Rs. 47.25 Lakhs.
Detectives & Criminals Investigators:
We all know what criminal investigators and detectives are and what they do. All you need to become a Detective & Criminal Investigator is the talent to conduct investigations related to suspected violations of Federal, State, or local laws to prevent or solve crimes. The educational qualification you need to have for this job is a high school diploma and that’s it. The annual income is Rs.50 Lakhs.
Elevator installers and repairers:
To become an Elevator installer and repairer, you need to have a high school diploma as an educational qualification. The work responsibilities include to assemble, install, repair or maintain electric or hydraulic freight or passenger elevators, escalators, or dumbwaiters. The annual income is Rs.50.50 Lakhs.
Radiation Therapists:
To become a radiation therapist all you need is an Associate degree. If you are good in observation, you are best for this job. The work responsibilities include checking the types of equipment, observe patients reactions to treatment and document the session. The annual salary is Rs.51.50 Lakhs.
Nuclear power reactor operators:
This work comes with a great responsibility and a lot of danger as nuclear reactors can break the hell if they go wrong. To become a Nuclear power reactor operators, you must be able and willing to handle he work like operating or controlling nuclear reactors. With that you need to Move control rods, start and stop equipment, monitor and adjust controls, and record data in logs. The annual salary is of Rs. 58.50 Lakhs.
Air Traffic Controllers:
To become an Air Traffic Controller, all you need is an associate degree and that’s it.Air traffic controllers are personnel responsible for the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic in the global air traffic control system. The annual income is Rs.78.50 Lakh.
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