Actor Sathyaraj who plays Katappa in Baahubali series will soon be immortalized with a wax figure to be installed at Madame Tussauds in London. His celebrity son Sibiraj shared the exciting news on his Twitter page and wrote:
Really proud to read this!??? #Kattappa #Baahubali
— Sibi (Sathya)raj (@Sibi_Sathyaraj) March 11, 2018
As per the latest reports, veteran Tamil actor Sathyaraj’s life-size wax statue, dressed in his Kattappa character, will be installed at the famous wax museum. Reportedly Sathyaraj is the only Tamil actor to achieve such an honor.
Also Read: This is the reason why Actress Sridevi rejected Sivagami’s role in Baahubali
The film has broken many records. Each and every scene of the film is highly appreciated. The movie also stars Prabhas, Rana Dugabatti, Ramya Krishnan and Sathyaraj in important roles.
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