WhatsApp changes its ‘delete for everyone’ feature
WhatsApp recently introduced the Delete for Everyone feature which enables users to delete the messages they sent by mistake. At the time of the launch, it was mentioned that users only had seven minutes to revoke the sent message.
However, last week, WhatsApp increased the this time limit to 1 hour, 8 minutes and 16 seconds. Now, it seems that the popular messaging app is planning of rolling out another feature ‘Block Revoke Request’. The company has noticed that some of the users are using the modified version of the app and are deleting their 3 year old messages.
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The app will silently add the ‘Block revoke request’ feature, which will prevent the misuse of Delete for everyone feature.
The Twitter account said, “In order to stop these bad users, WhatsApp has implemented a “Block revoke request” feature. When the user deletes a message for everyone, WhatsApp sends to the recipient(s) a new message having the same ID of the message that the user wants to revoke.”
The report further adds, “If WhatsApp finds a message in the database having the same ID of the received revoke message request, it checks the data of the message saved in the database, performing an operation: if [current date] – [the date of the saved message] is less than 24 hours, WhatsApp can successfully delete the message.”
Along with this, the report also suggests that if the phone of the user is switched off during the time the Delete for Everyone’ request has been sent out and it remains off for next 24 hours, then the request generated will be considered invalid and the message will remain in the app.
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