There has always been a shame in talking about matters of obscenity and that is why people started to acknowledge the existence of adult films by referring them as ‘blue films.’
However, it has always been an interesting fact as to how the colour blue got associated with the adult films. There have been many reasons and theories behind the same and to upgrade your knowledge about the same, we have compiled some of them for you here.
There are few that can be believed but some does not seem to be valid and are purely extracted from various sources on the internet.
1.It is generally said that in the olden days, it was really difficult for producers to make adult films as there were practically no or really less budget. The producers used to be very quick in creating these films and since the movies were made on a low-cost that is why a bluish coloured tint used to come on the screen when someone watches the film. Later the audience who watched these films coined the term ‘blue films’ for such films.
2. There was another concept behind the colour blue that the shopkeepers who sold these VCR cassettes used to pack them in blue packages and that is why they got the name of blue films.
3. One definition of “blue” to movies might have referred to the 19th-century Blue Laws morality codes and state and local laws based on them, of which dirty movies would certainly run afoul. These ‘blue laws’ existed in many states almost 50-60 years back.
4. Other explanations include the development of bluish tint of the early cheaply made black and white movies due to a short shelf life of such prints and the bluish cigarette and cigar smoke haze in rooms where men gathered to watch such films.
5. The first adult movie was titled as ‘BLUE MOVIE’ and it had too many adult scenes which were visible in the colour blue because of some technical issues and was shown in many theatres of the United States and after such movies started being called blue films.
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